------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PMIN.EXE - Program Manager Minimizer - v1.1 Copyright (C) 1993, Thomas R. Jacobs, Jr. and Vault Information Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 24, 1993 This program is released into the Public Domain. The author does not warranty this program in anyway. The author also does not take any responsibility for the way this program may or may not be used. The author does not guarantee that this program actually does anything. Distribution Files: PMIN.EXE The actual program. THREED.VBX A Visual Basic Custom Control needed for this program. README.TXT This file... All the documentation that there is. Also Required: VBRUN300.DLL The Visual Basic Dynamic Link Library. This file is available on CompuServe if you do not already have it. You can also find this file on The Vault BBS (BBS information is listed below). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What This Program Does: PMin will minimize the Program Manager, and then run an Application of your choice. How To Use PMin: Install PMin as a new Program Item into any group. On the Command Line, also include the name of the application you wish to run using PMin. i.e. The Command Line would look like "C:\WINDOWS\PMIN.EXE C:\VB\VB.EXE". You may want to change your icon to the icon of the real application being used. If you run PMin without anything in the Command Line, it will display a window giving version information and my email addresses. About The Program and Why It Was Written: This program was written in MS Visual Basic v3.0. I wrote this program because the Program Manager always gets in my way when I use VB. I got tired of minimizing it by hand, so... The Author: Feel free to send me (Thomas Jacobs) comments about this program. I will also consider any suggestion you send for the improvement of PMin. You can reach me at the following addresses: FidoNet: 1:104/332.2 CIS: 72262,1755 A current version of PMin can always be obtained from The Vault BBS and probably CompuServe. The Vault BBS: BBS line: 303-779-1634 - v.32 FidoNet: 1:104/332 - v.32bis, HST 303-779-4253 MagicName: PMIN Revision History: Ver 1.0 - 05-17-93 The original release of PMin. Ver 1.1 - 08-24-93 -Pmin will now work with the 'associated' files listed in the WIN.INI file under the Extensions section. -PMin will no longer load a form telling you what it is launching. This was removed in the interest of speed. -Pmin will no longer restore Program Manager after you exit your application. I was running into problems with VB v3.0 and recalling one of the four projects listed in the Files menu. It seems that VB.EXE changes its handle during this operation and PMin then thinks it has stoped executing. I may add this back in sometime in the future if I ever get it functioning correctly.